Dog Name: Freya (formerly Skeeter)
Dog Information and Overview:
Freya is doing great! She has become well integrated with our family. After her first day of obediance class we discovered that Freya knew hand signals! She was well trained at some point and just took someone understanding her language amazingly enough. We quickly learned a few necessary hand signals (sit and down) and were amazed how quickly she trained after that. She now knows what is expected of her on our evening walks. We conquered the housetraining and Freya remains in love with her kennel. We haven’t had any episodes of her running away since the one episode right after her joining our family. In fact, at one point the gate blew open a few months ago. We actually wouldn’t have known this (since the gate is not visible from the door she goes out) except for the fact that about 5 minutes after letting her out she was scratching at the garage door to be let in. She has no desire to leave us anymore thankfully!
We vacationed at the family cabin on Puget Sound with Freya and Winny over the 4th of July. She loved playing in the water with the kids. (See attached picture.) We did discover there however, that she has a horrible fear or possibly prior bad experience with fireworks. The night of the 4th was terribly difficult for her (she spent it trembling in her kennel) and it took a few weeks for her to return to her normal self. We felt terrible for her. She adored her time at the cabin and playing in the water – I am hoping we can figure out something to help her for the coming years on 4th of July.
Freya is a very exuberant and excitable dog. She just has so much joy and happiness wrapped up in her little body! She loves playing with Winny, whose appetite has increased dramatically since Freya arrived. Freya has taken at least a few years off of Winny. They play and run in the back yard daily. We love her very much!