
We were so happy to hear from Flyer’s mom, who writes:

I saw Flyer’s picture in the success area but no story. I am his new forever person and he is mine 🙂

Flyer is flourishing in his home. He came to us rather timid and scared of many things. He is now a tail wagging, greet me at the door kind of dog. He has become very affectionate and has comforted me on occasions when I was sick by laying next to me. Sometimes I am not sure who needed who more!

Flyer loves my husband, has learned to play and has found his voice. When we first had him he never barked and didn’t seem to know how to play. I am sure he was in a loving home before but now he has a lot of freedom to explore who he is and expresses himself. I love Flyer, he truly has helped my heart be happy. He and our other dog get along famously, they clearly love each other.

What a Blessing Flyer is!